The Internet is generating disputes. We work to help get them resolved.
ADR Marketplace members apply their skills and expertise to resolve issues that arise online, such as eCommerce issues, intellectual property infringements, and feedback disputes. Our panel is the most comprehensive network of subject matter experts and resolution professionals available on the internet. Our community of professionals posesses the breadth of expertise required to offer the redress services required by the 21st century.
ADR Marketplace charges no usage fees to panel members. On the contrary, we invest in our panelists and provide them with the tools and training they need to expand their capacity as online resolution professionals. We aspire to marry the efficiency of automated web-based tools with the wisdom of resolution professional, enabling the creation of effective redress systems that can deliver justice across borders and around the clock.
ADR Marketplace is looking for individuals with expertise in a wide variety of areas:
If you have expertise in any of these areas, please consider .